By Muhammad Amir Haffiz – 10 May 2023 @ 4.36 pm
PENANG ISLAND : From 12 to 18 April 2023, the Publicity Team from Kampus Sejahtera has organized an amazing competition titled "Love Mother Nature Poster Designing Competition". The participants were required to create posters to raise their awareness about the beauty and importance of nature to living beings.
The contest was available for online submission, where participants were required to submit their works through the provided google drive before 11:59 pm, on April 17, 2023. On April 18, 2023, all designs were posted on Kampus Sejahtera's official Instagram. Participants were allowed to share and promote their designs from April 18 to 19 April, 2023. The top 3 winners were determined based on the total likes obtained through the official Instagram account of Kampus Sejahtera. On April 21, 2023, the winners were officially announced on Kampus Sejahtera's official Instagram account. As a token of appreciation to the winners, they were awarded valuable prizes.
Winners of Love Mother Nature Poster Designing Competition
First place : Nurul Atira Balqis Binti Izam
Second place : Nur Anis Nadhirah Binti Zameri
Third place : Caren Chen Xiu Qian
This event benefits students and the public as it provides information about the beauty and importance of nature. Therefore, let us improve our knowledge of nature together.